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Fire Department responds to residential gas leak

No damage was reported after the Spencer Fire Department responded to a gas leak at 1605 Third Ave. E. Friday. Deputy Fire Chief Mark Stover said the crew was responding to a gas line break before the meter, and they had managed to slow and secure the leak until Black Hills Energy arrived to shut off the gas. Though a few houses were evacuated, Stover reported no one had been injured. (Photo by Celia Brocker)

Hospital board approves 2 capital purchases

Two capital purchases were approved by Spencer Hospital’s board of trustees during their meeting last Thursday.

Hospital spokesperson Susan Zulk reported the hospital’s ambulance department responds to approximately 1,500 calls and conducts approximately 200 transfers annually. A new ambulance was purchased for the hospital to maintain the necessary number of vehicles to ensure service responsiveness.

Mayor signs Relay for Life proclamation

Spencer Mayor Steve Bomgaars signed a proclamation for the upcoming Relay for Life program on Aug. 6 at the Clay County Fairgrounds. Opening ceremonies will begin at 5 p.m., followed by a community barbecue. The survivor ceremony will take place at 7 p.m., and when dusk falls the luminary service will begin. (Above) Relay for Life Committee members (Wes, Grace, Amy and Evalyn Simpson, Kristy Connor, Lisa Hess, Sharon Krile and Brenda Sassmen) stand with Bomgaars for the annual proclamation.



Outdoors: Grant funds available for communities impacted by 2020 derecho

The Iowa Legislature appropriated state infrastructure funds to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to be used for a community-based tree planting program for derecho recovery.

A total of $250,000 in matching funds will be made available to state and local governments, schools and volunteer organizations, and service organizations in the 27 Iowa counties included in the 2020 Governor’s Derecho Disaster Proclamation for planting trees.

Outdoors: Surveys important for wildlife management and hunting opportunities

Editor’s note: The 2022-23 Iowa Hunting, Trapping & Migratory Bird Regulations booklet is now out. You can access it by going to It contains a lot of information, 56 pages to be exact. Kayla Lyon, director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has a message in the booklet, talking about the importance of surveys for the Iowa DNR. Below is the message:

Outdoors: Iowa pheasant population survey begins

Iowa pheasant hunters had an excellent season last year, harvesting the most roosters since 2008, and many are looking forward to what 2022 has in store. That fall forecast will be based on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ annual roadside pheasant counts, that began Tuesday.

Outdoors: Prairie Lakes Conference set for Aug. 11-13

David Thoreson is a world-renowned explorer, sailor, author, photographer, speaker and educator from Okoboji. He has also chronicled his sailing adventures of some 65,000 nautical miles around the world in an autobiographical photo journal entitled “Over the Horizon — Exploring the Edges of a Changing Planet.” He is also a sought-after speaker on climate issues and the climate crisis.

August adult programs at the Spencer Public Library

• Geri-Fit — Senior Chair Fitness — Classes are every Monday and Friday at 1 p.m. Free to the public. Limited space available. Call 712-580-7290 for more information.

H&N Chevrolet-Buick ups annual fair queen donation

Every year Spencer’s H&N Chevrolet-Buick offers a donation to the Clay County Fair Queen as she travels to the Iowa State Fair. Due to the increased gas prices this year, H&N has doubled their annual gift to the Fair Queen.

Avera Health announces board appointments

Avera Health announces appointments to its board of directors for its new fiscal year which began July 1.

Luis Rojas, MD, has been named new board chair. His two-year term runs through June 30, 2024, and he has served on the board since 2018.

Boys Town Bash

Every year, the children and family nonprofit Boys Town offers its youth a brief summer vacation at Camp Okoboji, during which families have the chance to attend the organization’s annual Blue Water Bash. Boys Town’s 11th annual summer fundraiser will be Saturday on the Okoboji campgrounds at 6 p.m., and for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, Boys Town youth will be able to attend.

Shoppers check out Crazy Days' deals

Spencer Main Street kicked off its Downtown Crazy Days event Thursday. Downtown strollers stopped by to check out the different discounts offered at each store, browsing for deals while enjoying the warm weather. Crazy Days will continue until Saturday at 7 p.m. (Photos by Celia Brocker)

Fair offers new learning opportunity for FFA chapters

FFA chapters from Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska will have the opportunity to participate in a day of leadership opportunities and a college fair at the first-ever FFA Day on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the 2022 Clay County Fair, powered by SMU.

Sponsored by Summit Carbon Solutions, FFA Day will feature three specific activities, all free — including gate admission — for the FFA chapter members and their advisors:

Supervisors consider drainage district utility crossing agreement

In response to proposed carbon pipelines from Summit Carbon Solutions and Navigator Heartland Greenway which would cross through Clay County, engineering service ISG is developing a drainage district utility crossing agreement for the county. Spencer Pech, graduate engineer from ISG spoke to the Clay County Board of Supervisors about a utility crossing agreement for the county.

School board approves Classroom Clinic agreement for second year

The Spencer School Board approved a services agreement with Classroom Clinic, a program which provides rural school districts with timely and convenient access to children’s mental health services, for 2022-23 school year.

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